Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Power in Printing Money

So Ive just been watching this video shown to me by digg
and will start reading up on money printing and the power within it
Jack Weatherford’s book The History of Money
even more

Im really loving the educational videos available on Google Video .

After watching this documentary I think that I am less secure about the value of the American dollar. The fact that The interest rate and the amount of gold that is required to backup the paper money in the economy is so plastic and flexible makes me wonder that there may not be enough checks and balances.

I guess we need a 100 percent Gold standard rather than fiat paper money standards.

However, how will this effect nations without gold resources?

Maybe there is a system that bases value on time and the productivity of people and the time they actually work?

Maybe the measurement can be based on some physical, or mental operation standard that the majority of people would be able to perform throughout the world.

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